When running HA, I can see my entity “Office light” and I can add this to my screen.
But, it doesn’t do anything. (the light stays off) (And in my home, when the light is on, it doesn’t change things in HA.
Now my question:
What do I need to do to read the values from KNX so in my HA, the light will “turn on”. and If I click on my light, how can I update the group address in my KNX system?
Well, I have 1 KNX IP gateway (for 1 connection). So, I’ve set this connection up, and in my ETS I can’t connect to the gateway because of the connection from HA. So I can’t monitor my bus from the ETS.
My HA was installed in docker (Synology), and I found that some network settings needed to be changed.
The connection to KNX was okay, but HA couldn’t send & receive the data.
My solution: re-install of HA in docker and in the network settings, check the checkbox for taking the same network settings as docker. After that, everything works and I can explore the possibilities of HA