(KNX) Source for temperature sensor suddenly missing


I got a problem with one of my temperature sensors and don’t know how to solve it.

All other sensors work fine and that one did too until now. Knx bus also shows traffic on the specific group address but somehow home assistant can’t find the source anymore.

Anyone who has an idea on this?

Thanks in advance.

This is how it looks like if the source is found:

Double check the configuration yaml - especially the group address.
See HAs group monitor if a value was received on that specific group address while HA was running.

I have found something strange in the ETS GA Monitor. 2 Sensors write the same GA Value though the GA is only connected to the 1.1.26.

How is this possible?

Maybe one of the devices doesn’t have up to date parameters. Did you forget to program after doing changes? There is an “intelligent directory” showing devices that have pending changes - maybe you find some there (ideally this should be empty).

Sorry I am not that familiar with it. Where can I find this directory?

I am currently updating from ETS 5 to 6 but somehow the export import function isn’t working. So I’m trying to copy everything. Maybe it’s because I am currently also trying to work side by side in the ETS 5 and 6? But I never updated a device out of ETS 6 until now.

See https://support.knx.org/hc/en-us/articles/115003447765-Modified-devices

But can these “unmade” changes have an effect if not downloaded to the device?

Another strange thing is that another same device now gets values from both GAs 1.1.26 and 1.1.24.

Very confusing. 1.1.24 is the room of Marie and 1.1.26 is Mia.

These unmade changes mean that the assumption

May not hold true - because no one knows how the devices are actually configured.

Sorry, but that sentence doesn’t make any sense to me.

Sometimes when i click on the Lovelace Card and open the “Attributes” it shows 1.1.24 as shown in the Screenshot. But sometimes it shows 1.1.26.


Look here:
In the meantime I just did nothing…nor in ETS or HA. How is it possible that it changes its source?

This is the source address of the last received telegram. So yes, the source attribute can change.

But I want to show the temperature of Marie’s room which is 1.1.24.

1.1.26 is Mia’s room. The sensor address as shown in the screenshot can only be received from 1.1.24 for Marie’s room and from 1.1.26 from Mia’s room since the GAs are bound to only these sensors. The sensors are MDT Glass switches.

Mia’s room suddenly doesn’t show the temperature anymore (for no reason)…it somehow has no source for it anymore.

Well, that’s probably an ETS problem then :person_shrugging:
Check the GAs bound to the devices.

Very strange because I didn’t change anything and everything worked as intended.

GAs are also tied to the correct devices. I really have no clue.

Looking at this screenshot it doesn’t seem so. (KNX) Source for temperature sensor suddenly missing - #3 by daniel1to

Both devices seem to be bound to the same GA.

I know what you mean, but they aren’t. I’ll provide a screenshot as soon as I am back home.