I managed easily getting the value of my ventilation as a percentage using KNX.sensor.
I am now looking in how to set the value of ventilation. For instance writing some percentage to a KNX address.
I dont see any KNX component to perform that. Do you have an idea ? A custom component ?
Does anyone know if it is possible to have a variation (dimming) component for KNX but not seen as a light ?
I am looking for a way to dimm ventilation from 0 to 100% (or 0 to 255 if seen as byte value).
If you only want to automate it you can use the use knx.send service to send value to your ventilation controller.
Otherwise somebody have to create a KNX fan component (a lot of the code will be the same as in the KNX light)
I looked into this, and it seems not so easy. KNXLight extends Light but when looking at fan, it is a sub-component of climate. To declare a fan, you have to use “platform: fan” (doc here: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/fan/ )
KNX has a climate component to manage temperature, declared as “platform: knx” (doc here: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/climate.knx/ )
So the right way to manage a fan for KNX should be a climate sub-component. Am I right ?
But platform attribute is used to declare KNX, how could it also declare fan…
I am not a python developer at all so I may be missing something.
climate devices control heating and cooling based on temperatures
fans don’t care about temperatures, you can just turn them off/on and change the speed
What is your device?
In any case if you’re not a Python programmer, it will be quite hard to create a component by yourself. You can try contacting the developer of the KNX library and see if he’s interested implementing this.
The device is a double flow CMV (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation) (is that a correct translation ?!). Model Helios KWL EC 500 Pro with KNX integration.
Thanks for your advices.
I don’t know what kind of KNX integration this provides, but most likely you will need a “FAN” component as this isn’t used to control the temperature.
Yes thats it. A Fan component with variation from 0 to 100% (or 0 to 255).
Maybe with some steps (ie: off=0%, low=25%, med=50%, high=75%, max=100%).
I may manage the KNX and python part by looking at the other components but what i am missing for now is the start… For KNXLight, Light was extended… Here i think the KNXFan component is a component that will not extend an existing hassio one.