Kodi Stop?

I see a stop functionality in the code for the kodi platform. The platform appears to operate correctly, however I only see a play or pause option, no stop. Hopefully I’m just missing something small.


  • platform: kodi
    port: 8080
    name: Bedroom TV
    user: kodi
    password: kodi
    turn_off_action: quit
  • platform: kodi
    port: 8080
    name: Family Room TV
    user: kodi
    password: kodi
    turn_off_action: quit

Thanks in advance!

Hi, I’ve added the stop functionality to HA, so yes, I can confirm it is there and it works.

However, this stop functionality is not “visible” from the UI (as it was intended to be used in automation actions), and I think this is what you are referring to.

Hope that helps,

A nice thing would be if we could choose “stop action” on the power button in the UI.