Konnected.io, is still vaild/alive?

Hello everyone,
I would like to upgrade my 25 years old alarm panel with the konnected system.

On paper it looks good, because of the the integration with esphome and homeassistant, but my fear is that the project is dead or near to death.

I wrote a post on their forum asking if possible to “merge” more board into one but I had no reply.
The forum seems dead, because there are many users requests without any reply and that is not a good sign.

here is my post: https://community.konnected.io/t/multiple-pro-boards-and-standalone-mode/36590/3

Can someone confirm if their products are valid and if the company if alive?


Konnected.io moved their product line under ESPHome and is active. Purchased three units to replace my OmniPro II system, well at least the alarm sensor and siren part and working the integration now.

Thanks at the end I got an answer from Nate on the Konnected community (it is not very active) and I took 3 pro alarm.

I have in them in test on my bench and as soon as I have finished to create the automations for arming/disarming (via nfc, etc) & smartphones notification, I will replace the old alarm.
I think it will be a very long task because in these days I am very very busy :pensive: