Can anyone help with how I might get HA to work in my venue? I’ll try keep this concise…
Our home runs HA which is mainly Zigbee and Z Wave. We have a venue in our grounds (seperate buildings to the house but a stone throw away). The venue is connected to our internet (TP Link Omada) through ethernet, and has its own SSID for guests to use the WIFI etc. The venue currently has a smart lighting system which is modified TUYA (Quinetic version, which has its own app but its basically TUYA Smart Life but slightly modified for Quinetic). It works well but I’d like to use Zigbee and access it through the house HA. The issue with the TUYA system is that if we get an internet issue (happened last weekend) then we cannot access the lighting system. If I put it on HA / Zigbee I can still get to it on a local connection.
So… the question is, does anyone know if I can get a zigbee gateway that HA will see through the Local Area Network or WIFI network? If they do exist, are they reliable or am I best putting another server in there and keeping them seperate?
If I do keep them seperate, it will be a pain to keep changing the HA iOS app login (currently use DuckDNS to access it remotely) so is there a way to integrate two HA’s in the iOS app without logging in to a seperate one?
If reliability really rules (this thing is rock solid) and you have some spare money, have a look at this. I’m running a 30 man office lightning on it, it never failed a command…
Yes, there’s many - just don’t use WiFi connected ones. Two reasons for that, one is that WiFi’s random delays can cause problems communicating with the coordinator (“gateway”), the other is that most of the WiFi ones aren’t great anyway (and some even generate Zigbee interference internally, causing you problems).
Most zigbee based devices will also act as routers for other devices on the protocol so you could use a always on device that is within range of both areas to link them and test if its consistent in use with a second one as a backup route.
Since you have a switch where you have the lighting setup I would use a LAN based gateway to link back to your HA install and go from there.
That’s also possible to bypass with the device I did suggest, because that one exposes all paired Zigbee devices to HA as Apple Homekit controller, so it will not interfere with existing Zigbee
That also makes setup in HA something a child can do.
Sorry to jump on an old post. I have purchased a G1 Gateway and i’m trying to integrate into HA as a Zigbee gateway. I’m trying to use Z2M but struggling, i believe i need a port. Are you able to advise?