Last night at home I did a fresh install. RPi 3b. Things were going well. Got to work where I plan to use it and can’t access it with either http://hassio.local:8123 or the IP:8123.
I connected a monitor to it and I only get the home assistant logo on the screen. I can ping the IP but can’t connect. Any ideas?
Does your work network allow connections on odd ports? A lot of work environments block a lot of port ranges.
Hmmm, I am running a Ubiquiti network. Guess I should snoop around those forums? I don’t even know where to start. lol
Is it your own network? My statement applied to larger businesses/corporations.
Ubiquiti shouldn’t be blocking anything out of the box.
At home I have a Edge Router Lite. At the office I am using a USG. No idea why I can’t connect to the port.
I never enabled SSH so I can’t even get in that way. Super frustrating.
Im assuming it connected and got a IP address from your DHCP server since you said you can ping it.
If you can ping it, it means that the traffic isn’t being blocked by anything. The USG shouldn’t even be seeing the traffic assuming you have a switch and are not plugging the pi directly into the USG.
Just guessing at issues here but do you have any of the intrusion prevention/detection features on in the ubiquiti setup?
Final think I would do is the famous turn it off and back on again.
I have an IP, I see it in the unifi controller. I can ping the IP but not the port. Don’t even know if you can ping a port. tbo
did the on/off, changed power supplies, nothing.
I don’t know how to mess with ports. I have firewalls setup but that is copy paste, follow tutorials. Asking in ubiquiti forums about this. Since I have never been able to get HA to work successfully I doubt it is my network but you never know. We shall see.
You cannot ping a port. You can Telnet a port though.
I highly doubt this is an issue with your USG
When I try to connect via putty on either port 22 or 8123 i get connection refused
Are you using telnet?
Port 22 will only be open if you installed the SSH add-on.
If you can’t telnet 8123 then home assistant isn’t running