Use the perfect LCN Integration from @alengwenus and have nearly all entities now in homeassistant integrated. All my rooms work with the thermostat template and have also configured some graphs. But…
Now i try to send a new thresholds value from Homeassistant to LCN Thresholds
Its a “Helligkeits” threshold in Lux or a temperatur in Celsius. But can also use LCN Native values. (Know LCN handles everything in Integer) How can i do this ?
Played with template and a “Kachel” card ->“Interactions” → " LCN: Absolute Variable setzen" but here i can only define variables and not thresholds.
Hi @KarMis,
if I’m not mistaken, it is not possible to set absolute threshold values from third party apps. But you can use the “shift variable” action to relatively add/subtract values from the current and programmed (in LCN-Pro) thresholds.
So, if you know the threshold value programmed in LCN-Pro, it should be possible to calculate the delta to the new threshold value and add/subtract it.