LD2450 ready to use.!

You have read articles and find the possibilities of the LD2450 millimeter-wave presence detector interesting. However, you need to assemble electronic components, do some soldering, and place it in a case to obtain a fully usable product and all of that may not be your strong suit, or you simply don’t have the time…

I am offering a finished product that I call LD2450-2HA (for LD2450 to HA !), which is directly usable in Home Assistant. You will only need to install the ESPHome integration, and your LD2450-2HA will be available along with all its entities.

You will also need a 5V - 500 mA minimum power supply/charger with a USB Type-C connector.

Dimensions: 58 mm * 56 mm * 28 mm. The case is light gray (black available on request).

The LD2450-2HA is of course equipped with an LD2450 !

The LD2450-2HA has the same characteristics as the LD2450:

  • Communication: WiFi.
  • Interface: UART.
  • Equipped with a smart millimeter-wave radar chip with an integrated intelligent algorithm.
  • Precise tracking and localization of up to 3 moving targets.
  • Detection range: 6 m.
  • Azimuth angle: ±60°.
  • Inclination angle: ±35°.
  • Refresh rate: 10 Hz (10 times per second).
  • ISM 24 GHz band.

The installed software is available at this link: GitHub - ESPHome LD2450
You can modify or replace it with other available software online and restore the original if needed.

Optional visual feedback: as an option, I can add a blinking LED (red, green, yellow, or blue) or an RGB LED, which you can control via one or more Home Assistant entities. This feedback is entirely independent of the LD2450 and can be used, for example, to indicate the status of an alarm.

The price is 21$, including shipping. 25$ with visual feedback, including shipping. You can pay via PayPal.

Shipped on the day of your order or the day after !

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me !

I am in France, and you are far from France ! Don’t worry, I’m used to shipping all over the world !


I think you might benefit from trying some of these out.

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