Let's Encrypt/DuckDNS/Hass.io error

I just use it for changing the files, do not understand how it works the left panel

The main point is you don’t have to muck about with letsencrypt as it’s all automated in the single add-on.

Just checked mine again and it’s stopped working unless I reforward the port, so something not right somewhere.

Is the mystery IP the external one from your mobile network, have you tried whatismyip from it?

It’s supposed to be useful for auto inserting copy into the right hand window, for instance, it should show all your entities so you can just pick one from the list and it will auto fill. Clever when it works but mine’s not having any of it using SSL.

I see: not working …

Hello together,

I have possibly the same issue. And I am not sure what addons I really need. The despriction is not clear enough (maybe only for me…)

I have Duckdns started with:

  "lets_encrypt": {
    "accept_terms": true,
    "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
    "keyfile": "privkey.pem"
  "token": "my token",
  "domains": [
  "seconds": 300

Let’s crypt:
“challenge”: “https”,
“email”: “[email protected]”,
“domains”: [
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”

and in configuration.yaml:

  api_password: !secret http_password
  base_url: xxx.duckdns.org:8123
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

and also I forwared all incoming request (TCP) port 443 to my HA-device-Ipv6 port 8123 in my router settings.

If I have
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
in my config file under http: my HA is not working.

On Duckdns homepage I inlcuded my ip adress in the ipv6 field.

What is not correct on my settings? I am a bit confused.

You don’t need the Lets Encrypt add-on, so get shot of that, and, as I said above, I found it didn’t work with the api_password above the keys, so move that to the bottom of http: in your config yaml.

It’s not my mobile device IP. I did look up the IPs and they’re blacklisted, meaning not good. My guess is there’s people out there constantly scanning *.duckdns.org addresses to find access to home networks. If you’re not running a firewall (or even if you are), I’d highly recommend you run a very complex password, especially without two-step authentication. Another smart thing would be to create a complex domain as well. It would be nice if we had the ability to only allow certain devices to access HA based on some sort of device ID (MAC address?). Anyways, I’ve turned off DuckDNS for the time being.

I did it and it looks now:
base_url: xxx.duckdns.org:8123
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
api_password: !secret http_password

But unfortunately it wont work. :frowning: Any other idea?

Ip from Washington, maybe the NSA :smile:

Port forward 443 to 8123, IP of your hass

This is already done. It’s an ipv6 adress, is this maybe relevant?

I use ip4, don’t know much about it

I see that new version of Duck DNS was released with the 0.55 update. Do you guys think that this has something to do with it?

It’s not a new version it’s a new built in component, we’re using the hass.io add-on with baked in letsencrypt support, different things. Í did mention mine started working after the 0.55 update but, as I said, came to the conclusion it was more coincidental than connected.

Got it. Could you help me with getting port forwarding set up? I have Hassio and Duck DNS set up and working correctly but can’t get the port forwarding right. This is what I am doing 43 AM

And I keep getting this error
“The specified ports are being used by other configurations. Please check your configurations of Remote Management, Port forwarding, Port Triggering, UPnP Port Mapping table, RIP, and internet connection type.”

I dont have any port forwarding set up so I’m not sure what I causing this error

Not seen a dialogue that that before but it looks like you need to set both the externals to 443, deselect “Use the same port…” and set both internals to 8123. At the moment you’ve forwarded every port between 443 and 8123 to the matching internal ports :grin:

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That did it. Thank you so much!! I was thoroughly confused what the starting and ending ports meant ha. Thank you for clearing that up.

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Although I can’t see it documented anywhere, the update has fixed it.

not for me …

hmmm…do you have the 3218 > 3218 port forward?