Let's start talking about the new Z-wave JS integration

Where can I find those? When I go to the node in the integration then there is only a box for “Device info”, “Automations” and “Scripts”. Nothing about disabled entities.

Go to the zwavejs integration > find device > open the device and scroll to the bottom and click on disabled entities

@TheFuzz4 and @gregg098: Found it. Re-interviewing and pressing the wake button every couple of seconds did the trick! Thanks for the help!

I have hardwired devices that after every restart I have to go in and tell it to interview them. Kinda frustrating especially since a few of them are kinda critical devices. But I’ll ride out the bumps.

I think that this might be the solution to the problem we have

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I’m trying to configure the Z-Wave-JS addon to connect to a RaZberry running on a separate Pi running ser2net. Looks like @dbrunt was successful in getting the configuration to accept:

device: 'tcp://'
network_key: ……16hexbytes……

For me, this fails validation in the configuration with this error:

Failed to save addon configuration, not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘options’]. Got {‘device’: ‘tcp://’, ‘network_key’: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’}

I’ve tried with and without the single quotes and it makes no difference. What else could be different causing validation to fail? (running latest version 0.1.6)

Thanks for any help!

I had to pull and reinsert the battery in all of my motion sensors, leak detectors and door/window sensors before they would show up as entities. I’m sure they would have eventually reported in on their own, but I have easy access to them and didn’t want to wait.

I accomplished this using usbIP where the USB device is mapped across to my server. For the network key I set that in the UI of the zwavejs2mqtt and not in a docker file or anything.

Maybe, but the discussions think that catching SIGINT might be the solution, but i’m already using SIGINT in my docker-compose file. I’ll watch that issue to see what they come up with. thanks!

I’ve got this same issue with my Fibaro Motion Sensors. Can’t get any entities in HA but I can see parameters, but those aren’t available in HA.


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Those of us that are not seeing things reporting remember they do have an open issue on this with a ton of devices listed

So if you’re missing values for your devices check this issue and see if your device is on the list. If you got time to donate they’re looking for volunteers to help vet the files and get them rolled into future releases.

@GaryOkie - I believe for the web socket interface your URL should be ‘ws://IPaddress:port’, with the default port being 3000.

So for you it should be ‘ws://’.

Damn that’s a long list! :frowning:

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The HA Z-WaveJS add-on and the zwavejs2mqtt add-on UI configs for zwave device appear differently. I’ve used my tcp:// in both places now…

The zwave_js_event works fine. For 10-15 minutes.
After that, Node-RED or HA automations receive them no longer! (Tested in NR and the dev.tools)
They work again for a few minutes after a HA restart.
I’ve tried to restart only the zwave js integration, but that doesn’t work, since it says I have to restart HA to complete the integration restart.
What’s happening, and what can I do?

Sorry, could you clarify where exactly I can request for some of my unknown devices to be added on GitHub? Is it under the Zwave JS project?
The not so popular brand of devices have a lot of use locally due to local availability of them. Myself and a colleague both use them, and can provide whatever details needed about them :slight_smile:

You open an issue on the node-zwave-js repo, after reading this: