LG webos, google assistant


Been using my LG webos TV with google assistant (google home) for months, and been realy happy with it. I now have some issues controlling the TV using voice commands, I think its after i updated the docker container to newer image. I’m now on HA 2022.2.9.

TV won’t respond to Turn on/turn off commands, not chaning source or play/pause commands anymore. When i press the power on/off button og the TV media_player in Google Home, I can toggle the TV’s power though :confused:
I have synced devices, and also checked the Nabu Casa exposed entities, and everything seems fine.
Are there any know issues regarding google assistant and media_player control in the later versions?
Or is this a LG webos issue perhaps?
Just to clarify, the LG media_player is no problem controlling through lovelace, just by voice commands (GA).

Any ideas?