Libav.mp4 - stream/ (840 occurrences) in 3 hours

I have this problem with my camers I guess
How I fix it?
Used PI3 model B
Arenti (onvif) cameras

In my configuration yaml
Its look like that :

  • platform: ffmpeg
    input : rtsp://admin:[email protected]:8554/Streaming/Channels/101
    name: office

This the log :

Logger: libav.mp4
Source: components/stream/
First occurred: 10:39:04 (840 occurrences)
Last logged: 16:36:58

  • Application provided duration: 3908744187 / timestamp: 3964028179 is out of range for mov/mp4 format
  • Application provided duration: 3908426269 / timestamp: 4040660209 is out of range for mov/mp4 format
  • Application provided duration: 3908432298 / timestamp: 4040666239 is out of range for mov/mp4 format
  • Application provided duration: 3908438327 / timestamp: 4040672269 is out of range for mov/mp4 format
  • Application provided duration: 3908444266 / timestamp: 4040678209 is out of range for mov/mp4 format

I just found the same occurences in my motioneye log. Have you found the reason for that?

Also have the same error. When I restart HA the camera would be working for a while. Until this error and the stream goes blank.

I just found this error by chance, my cam is working fine (I use motioneye)

Estou com o mesmo problema aqui. Porém todas as câmeras funcionam perfeitamente…

did anyone manage to fix this issue?