I’m having problems with the configuration.yaml file. When I add the LIFX Cloud info into the configuration.yaml file as shown below:
- platform: lifx_cloud
token: c76aadb50f504f83447d9xx11fce9a140b7ed7bc960d97fccdf4e248cx
This works ok and the scenes that are in the LIFX Cloud are displayed in HA but I need to be able to edit Scenes that I create in HA so when I add:
scene: !include scenes.yaml
platform: lifx_cloud
token: c76aadb50f504f83447d9xx11fce9a140b7ed7bc960d97fccdf4e248cx
HA gives me the green tick in ‘File editor’ but now I get errors shown below after a reboot and LIFX scenes in the Overview have 'Entity not available beside them.
Invalid config
The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:
I’m assuming there’s a problem with the way configuration.yaml file is setup. Any help would be appreciated.