Light not being turned on when targeted with area_id even though it is in that area

I can view the activation in the logbook

Executed: October 30, 2021, 12:21:40 PM
  domain: light
  service: turn_on
    brightness_pct: 100
      - kitchen
      - kitchen
running_script: false
limit: 10

But my kitchen_shelf_light is also tagged “Kitchen”, and normally turns on.

This only occasionally happens, like 1/100, but it sometimes misses a light, and I either have to wait for the motion sensor to deactivate and walk in again, or pull out the phone and us the UI to manipulate it directly.

I also toggled on and off the light’s power, but that didn’t do anything.

The light in question is adding by Zigbee2MQTT, and if I investigate the MQTT info, I see zigbeemqtt/bridge/state 10 most recently received messages has

Received 6:05:31 PM
QoS: 0
Payload: online

But if I look at zigbee2mqtt/kitchen_shelf_light, I see it went off last night at 7

Received 7:18:26 PM
QoS: 0
Payload: brightness: 254
linkquality: 255
state: 'OFF'
  state: available
update_available: true
Received 12:22:07 PM
QoS: 0
Payload: brightness: 254
linkquality: 255
state: 'OFF'
  state: available
update_available: true

and on again after I forced it on, but nothing inbetween those.
I would expect something at 12:21:40 PM

I see I’m running a bit behind on the updates,: but I don’t expect that to be the root cause for this. I will apply those now though.
I do see 255 link quality, so I don’t think it’s having connection problems.

What else should I be collecting to understand this problem?