Lights on at sunset but off at 23:00


I am pretty new to HA but I getting there slowly. At this moment I am creating some automations for my lights in the living room. I want them to go on at sunset but go off at 23:30. To accomplish this I made two automations.

The first automation will set the lights to ‘on’ at sunset. The second one will set the lights to ‘off’ at 23:30.

Will these two automations cause a loop between 23:00 and 00:00? Or can I somehow connect the automations to check states? Hope my question makes sense.



You’re triggering to turn on at sunset. This is the only event that will cause the lights to turn on. This will not trigger just because the sun is already set and you turn off the lights.

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Ok, the sunset is a time trigger, not a state. Makes sense, thank you!

It’s actually an event trigger.

I wanted to say ‘one time trigger’ but the word one is not there. Event trigger is the word, thank you Tom!

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