Lights turning home by themselves and stay on for hours (node red)

It’s seems like when my Zigbee Motion sensor become unavailable, lights turn on and stay on until I manually turn them off (usually a few hours…)

Although my flow is only suppose to turn on when the payload is “on” and then turn off when it’s off

my flow was turning off when the motion was “off” but perhaps I can just change to != “on”

update 2:
I also tried event:stats > is not available but same issue, whatever I use this or =!, if the devices in unavailable node red return Entity could not be found in cache for entity_id

I think I’m having the same issue, but with my Shelly devices. I think I’ve narrowed it down to Node Red, as if I turn off Node Red and restart my network the issue doesn’t occur.

Did you end up working out what it was?