Lights Won't Turn Off

I have some Ikea lights I’m trying to automate. The problem is that, when I turn off the lights manually (like using a light switch), they lose all connection and won’t update their status. Basically, when they lose power, they won’t turn off in Home Assistant and I get the error:

“Failed to perform the action script/office_light_status. Failed to send request: Failed to deliver message: <sl_Status.ZIGBEE_DELIVERY_FAILED: 3074>”

(office light status is a random script I’m trying to fix this with). Am I SOL with controlling these lights or is there a way to fix this so they turn off in HA when I turn them off physically?

Zigbee lights are meant to be powered at all times.

That’s what it’s been looking like but I was hoping there was a way around this without having to use buttons, sensors, etc to turn them off…

It doesn’t work like that. Possible solutions could be:

  • Change the switch to a smart one that does not cut power
  • Change out the bulbs to dumb bulbs, then install a smart in-wall switch connected to the old switch.

So basically, the only solution with these lights is to get a switch and use that to turn them off? They aren’t connected to the wall switch anyways (require pulling a chain) so it’s not a huge deal. Just sucks that I’d have to do that in rooms where my switches do work too.

If you want to use Zigbee lights that are controllable and reports the correct status at all times, you cannot cut power to them, yes.

That’s all Ikea has so I guess that’s my new realty!

You have 4 options:

  • Set your zigbee integration to report mains-powered devices’ status more frequently. Works, but won’t be bulletproof.
  • Hardwire the switches so they’re always providing power to the lights. Might not be feasible if you have a pull chain.
  • Use switches which support decoupled mode . Again might not be feasible if you have a pull chain.
  • Use a zigbee module to detect the state of the pull chain and send commands to your bulbs. Probably the best option out of 4.