I have some Ikea lights I’m trying to automate. The problem is that, when I turn off the lights manually (like using a light switch), they lose all connection and won’t update their status. Basically, when they lose power, they won’t turn off in Home Assistant and I get the error:
“Failed to perform the action script/office_light_status. Failed to send request: Failed to deliver message: <sl_Status.ZIGBEE_DELIVERY_FAILED: 3074>”
(office light status is a random script I’m trying to fix this with). Am I SOL with controlling these lights or is there a way to fix this so they turn off in HA when I turn them off physically?
So basically, the only solution with these lights is to get a switch and use that to turn them off? They aren’t connected to the wall switch anyways (require pulling a chain) so it’s not a huge deal. Just sucks that I’d have to do that in rooms where my switches do work too.