[lightwave.lightwave] LW broker fail!

I’m running the original version of LightwaveRF , with an LW930 hub.
Just recently I’ve been unable to control this with HA. The LW app still works fine, but when I try to turn on/off or dim a bulb, I get the following in the HA log file:

ERROR (Thread-7 (_send_queue)) [lightwave.lightwave] LW broker fail!

Is anyone else seeing this, or is it just my setup? Any ideas how to debug this?


Me too. Well, sort of. HA been running okays on the background for a while and haven’t touched it, but imany things like light switches controlled by Alexa anyway. So not noticed any failures in lightwave.

now trying to set up some other automations, and getting the “LW broker fail!” meaaage too. But eventually, some commands are processed - and I mean eventually - could be 10s later, could be 3 minutes…

any ideas/solutions?

Logger: lightwave.lightwave
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lightwave/lightwave.py:237
First occurred: 12:20:00 (49 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:32:27

LW broker fail!

I have this issue, too, however I am setting up from scratch.

Logger: lightwave.lightwave
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/lightwave/lightwave.py:237
First occurred: 13:51:10 (11 occurrences)
Last logged: 13:57:05

LW broker fail!

Try as I might, I can’t seem to get any other logs from the lightwave integration so I am a bit stuck where else to look.

From your HA box, try this command to pair it with your LWRF bridge:

echo -ne "100,\!F*p." | nc -u -w1 9760

Replace with the IP address of your LWRF bridge.

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