LILYGO TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6. Simple Working code to start my project

I am starting a new project for 2 devices communicating over 1 kilometer distance.
I purchased 2 units LILYGO TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 for this purpose.
I wish to use ESPHome because, not being an expert, but I can work it and I have some experience.
At the end the romete device will send status (temperature and water level) the host device will receive and display these message and will send a command to trigger a relay.

As a starting point to get familiar with the device and the code,I would like just to send a "Hello World " and the remote device will reply with “Every thing is fine”.
Does anyone have simple working code for the sending and the receiving device that I can flash on my 2 device and start learning from it.


Did you check the sample codes that Lilygo supplies ? and also do a search on Internet you’ll filnd easily some projects that use these devices :wink:


Of course I checked Internet. I can only find code for Arduino IDE, none for ESPHome.

There is no chance to find any code for that board with ESPHome as ESPHome doesn’t support LoRa !!

Here is a simple working code for 2 LILYGO TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 (915 MHz) to exchange data.

Hoping that this could be useful to someone these LoRa device over a very long distance.

There is 2 devices 1) Cabane and 2) Station.
Both devices can send packet to the other device, received packet form the other device and display data.

I create a simple data structure that contains
2 temperatures values, for temperature outside and inside a water tank
1 single integer to represent the level of water in the tank
1 boolean flag to indicate if the water pump in active or not (will be use to start /stop pum
3 integer to store the time of the message Hour Minutes and Seconds.

My plan is to use these units in a Sugar Shack with multiple pumping stations.

Notes, none of the sensors are yet implemented. This will come later with a GPS unit to gather the time, since there is no WiFi.

Here is the code for the Cabane (Base Station)

# Gaston Paradis
  #   Program to demonstrate 2 devices LILYGO TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 (915 MHz) communicating
      # There is a software button on each device that will send its data to the other device.
      # The data is source from the sending device and store in globals variables to be display
      # The display shows the data of both devices o the screen

  #  THIS IS THE CABANE base station     

  #   02/09.25        Finalize data structure, correction to encoding and decoding code    
  #   02/08/25        Adding Data Structure and coding, decoding displaying 
  #   02/06/25 V2.0   Added configuration fro LoRa component
  #   02/06/25 V1.0   Display ONLY Hello LoRa Cabane

  devicename: ttgo_lora_cabane
  friendly: TTGO LoRa Cabane     # This is the name sent to the frontend. It is used by Home Assistant
                                            # as the integration name, device name,
                                            # and is automatically prefixed to entities where necessary.#
  comment: LoRa Cabane         # Display in ESPHome
  name: ttgo-lora
  friendly_name: ${friendly}
  platform: esp32
  board: ttgo-lora32-v21

logger:     # Enable logging

api:        # Enable Home Assistant API

ota:        # Enable OverThe Air ota update
  - platform: esphome
    password: !secret ota_password

wifi:       # Enable WiFi
 ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
 password: !secret wifi_password
 ap:              # Enable an access point mode on the node in case wifi connection fails
   ssid: ${devicename}
   password: !secret ap_wifi_password

captive_portal: # component is a fallback mechanism for when connecting to the configured WiFi fails
    port: 80    

i2c:          # I2C for OLED
  sda: 21
  scl: 22
  scan: true    

  - id: spi_lora    # LoRa SPI
    clk_pin:  GPIO5
    miso_pin: GPIO19
    mosi_pin: GPIO27

  - source: github://swoboda1337/sx127x-esphome

# Example configuration entry
  dio0_pin: GPIO26
  cs_pin: GPIO18
  rst_pin: GPIO23
  pa_pin: BOOST
  pa_power: 17
  bitsync: true
  bitrate: 4800
  frequency: 915000000  # 915 MHz in Hz
  modulation: FSK
  rx_start: true
  payload_length: 10
  sync_value: [0x33, 0x33]
  preamble_size: 2
  preamble_errors: 8
  preamble_polarity: 0x55

        - logger.log: "Receiving a package"
        - lambda: |-                              
            ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Raw Packet Data: %s", format_hex(x).c_str());
            if (x.size() == 10) {                                          // Ensure the packet size is correct
              id(originator_1)  = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[0]);              // Extract Originator and save in Globals Variable 

              // Temp 1 (reconstruct int16_t and divide)
                int16_t received_temp1 = (x[2] << 8) | x[1];              // Combine high and low bytes
                id(temp1_1) = static_cast<float>(received_temp1) / 10.0;  // Divide by 10.0 (float)

              // Temp 2 (reconstruct int16_t and divide)
                int16_t received_temp2 = (x[4] << 8) | x[3];              // Combine high and low bytes
                id(temp2_1) = static_cast<float>(received_temp2) / 10.0;  // Divide by 10.0 (float)

              id(water_level_1) = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[5]);             // Extract Water Temperature and save in Globals Variable 

              id(relay_state_1)  = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[6]);            // Extract Relay boolean and save in Globals Variable 

              id(hours_1)     = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[7]);               // Extract Hours and save in Globals Variable 
              id(minutes_1)   = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[8]);               // Extract Minutes and save in Globals Variable 
              id(seconds_1)   = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[9]);               // Extract Seconds and save in Globals Variable 

              ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Received from %d | Temp1: %.1f°C | Temp2: %.1f°C | Water: %d | Relay: %s | Time: %02d:%02d:%02d",
                  id(originator_1), id(temp1_1), id(temp2_1), id(water_level_1), id(relay_state_1) ? "ON" : "OFF", id(hours_1), id(minutes_1), id(seconds_1));

              ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Raw Packet Data: %s", format_hex(x).c_str());
            } else {
                ESP_LOGW("LoRa", "Received packet with incorrect size (%d bytes)", x.size());

  - platform: template    # Prepare and send packet
    name: "Transmit Packet"
        - sx127x.send_packet:
            data: !lambda |-
              std::vector<uint8_t> data;

              data.push_back(id(originator_0));                                   //x[0] Originator

              // Temp 1 (scaled and cast to int16_t - more range)                 // Outside Temperature
                  int16_t scaled_temp1 = static_cast<int16_t>(id(temp1_0) * 10);  // Scale by 10 for one decimal place
                  data.push_back(scaled_temp1 & 0xFF);                            //x[1] Low byte
                  data.push_back((scaled_temp1 >> 8) & 0xFF);                     //x[2] High byte

              // Temp 2 (similarly for int16_t)                                   // Water Temperature
                  int16_t scaled_temp2 = static_cast<int16_t>(id(temp2_0) * 10);  // Scale by 10 for one decimal place
                data.push_back(scaled_temp2 & 0xFF);                              //x[3] Low byte
                data.push_back((scaled_temp2 >> 8) & 0xFF);                       //x[4] High byte

              data.push_back(id(water_level_0));                                  //x[5] Water Level
              data.push_back(id(relay_state_0) ? 1 : 0);                          //x[6] Relay State (ON)
              data.push_back(id(hours_0));                                        //x[7] Hours
              data.push_back(id(minutes_0));                                      //x[8] Minutes
              data.push_back(id(seconds_0));                                      //x[9] Seconds

              return data;
              ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Raw Packet Data: %s", format_hex(data).c_str());  // Debuggimg same data received at the station  

  - platform: ssd1306_i2c
    model: "SSD1306 128x64"
    address: 0x3C
    update_interval: 15s
    lambda: |-
      it.print (0, 0,     id(arimo12),   "00"); 
      it.print (35, 0,    id(arimo12),   "Cabane"); 
      it.print (85, 0,    id(arimo12),   "Station"); 
      it.print (0, 12,    id(arimo12),   "Ext"); 
      it.print (0, 22,    id(arimo12),   "Water"); 
      it.print (0, 32,    id(arimo12),   "Level"); 
      it.print (0, 42,    id(arimo12),   "Pump");
      it.print (0, 52,    id(arimo12),   "Time"); 

      it.printf(36, 12, id(arimo12),     id(RED), "%.1f°C",         id(temp1_0));
      it.printf(36, 22, id(arimo12),     id(GREEN), "%.1f°C",       id(temp2_0));
      it.printf(36, 32, id(arimo12),     id(BLUE), "%d",            id(water_level_0));
      it.printf(36, 42, id(arimo12),     id(YELLOW), "%s",          id(relay_state_0) ? "ON" : "OFF");
      it.printf(36, 52, id(arimo12),     id(CYAN), "%02d:%02d",     id(hours_0), id(minutes_0) );

      it.printf(85, 12, id(arimo12),     id(RED), "%.1f°C",         id(temp1_1));
      it.printf(85, 22, id(arimo12),     id(GREEN), "%.1f°C",       id(temp2_1));
      it.printf(85, 32, id(arimo12),     id(BLUE), "%d",            id(water_level_1));
      it.printf(85, 42, id(arimo12),     id(YELLOW), "%s",          id(relay_state_1) ? "ON" : "OFF");
      it.printf(85, 52, id(arimo12),     id(CYAN), "%02d:%02d",     id(hours_1), id(minutes_1) );

font:       # Create a font to use, add and remove glyphs as needed. 
  - file: 'fonts/Arimo-Regular.ttf'
    id: arimo12
    size: 12
    glyphs: "<>!\"%()+=,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzé"
  - file: 'fonts/Arimo-Regular.ttf'
    id: arimo24
  - id: RED
    red: 100%
    #green: 0%
    #blue: 0%
  - id: GREEN
    #red: 0%
    green: 100%
    #blue: 0%
  - id: BLUE
    #red: 0%
    #green: 0%
    blue: 100%
  - id: WHITE
    red: 100%
    green: 100%
    blue: 100%
  - id: BLACK
    red: 0%
    green: 0%
    blue: 0%  
  - id: CYAN
    #red: 0%
    green: 100%
    blue: 100%
  - id: YELLOW
    red: 100%
    green: 100%
    #blue: 0%
  - id: PINK
    red_int: 225
    green_int: 105
    blue_int: 180 
  - id: color_text
    red: 100%
    #green: 0%
    #blue: 0%

  # Message Data Structure
  # Field     	      Type	  Bytes	Range	      Notes                                         Description

  # Originator	      uint8_t	  1	  0-255	      0 = Base, 1 = Station 1, 2 = Station 2        Originating Location 
  # Temp 1	          int8_t	  1	  -20 to 100	Signed integer (scaled to 0.1°C)              Outside Temperature
  # Temp 2	          int8_t	  1	  -20 to 100	Same as above                                 Water Temperature
  # Water Level	      uint8_t	  1	  1-4	        Single byte This                              Level of water in the tank
  # Relay State	      bool	    1	  0 or 1	    Boolean flag                                  Indicate that the pump is on/off
  # Timestamp	        uint16_t	2	  0-86399	    Seconds since midnight (HH*3600 + MM*60 + SS)

  - id: originator_0      # MSG Data Structure. Originator of the message 0: Cabane; 1: Station Pompage 1; 2: Station Pompage 2 
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: temp1_0           # MSG Data Structure.Outside temperature
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "-5.2"

  - id: temp2_0           # MSG Data Structure. Water Temperature in the tank
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "10.6"

  - id: water_level_0     # MSG Data Structure. Water level in the tank
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "2"

  - id: relay_state_0     # MSG Data Structure. Will be use to trigger the water pump
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "true"

  - id: hours_0           # MSG Data Structure. Hour the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "15"

  - id: minutes_0         # MSG Data Structure. Minute the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "20"

  - id: seconds_0         # MSG Data Structure. Second the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "10"

  - id: originator_1      # MSG Data Structure. Originator of the message 0: Cabane; 1: Station Pompage 1; 2: Station Pompage 2 
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: temp1_1           # MSG Data Structure.Outside temperature
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0.0"

  - id: temp2_1          # MSG Data Structure. Water Temperature in the tank
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0.0"

  - id: water_level_1    # MSG Data Structure. Water level in the tank
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: relay_state_1    # MSG Data Structure. Will be use to trigger the water pump
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "false"

  - id: hours_1          # MSG Data Structure. Hour the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: minutes_1        # MSG Data Structure. Minute the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: seconds_1       # MSG Data Structure. Second the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

And the code for the pumping station

# Gaston Paradis
  #   Program to demonstrate 2 devices LILYGO TTGO LoRa32 V2.1_1.6 (915 MHz) communicating
      # There is a software button on each device that will send its data to the other device.
      # The data is source from the sending device and store in globals variables to be display
      # The display shows the data of both devices o the screen

  #  THIS IS THE CABANE base station     

  #   02/09.25        Finalize data structure, correction to encoding and decoding code    
  #   02/08/25        Adding Data Structure and coding, decoding displaying 
  #   02/06/25 V2.0   Added configuration fro LoRa component
  #   02/06/25 V1.0   Display ONLY Hello LoRa Cabane

  devicename: ttgo-lora-station
  friendly: TTGO LoRa Station     # This is the name sent to the frontend. It is used by Home Assistant
                                            # as the integration name, device name,
                                            # and is automatically prefixed to entities where necessary.#
  comment: LoRa Cabane         # Display in ESPHome
  name: ${devicename}
  friendly_name: ${friendly}
  platform: esp32
  board: ttgo-lora32-v21

logger:     # Enable logging

api:        # Enable Home Assistant API

ota:        # Enable OverThe Air ota update
  - platform: esphome
    password: !secret ota_password

wifi:       # Enable WiFi
 ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
 password: !secret wifi_password
 ap:              # Enable an access point mode on the node in case wifi connection fails
   ssid: ${devicename}
   password: !secret ap_wifi_password

captive_portal: # component is a fallback mechanism for when connecting to the configured WiFi fails
    port: 80    

i2c:          # I2C for OLED
  sda: 21
  scl: 22
  scan: true    

  - id: spi_lora    # LoRa SPI
    clk_pin:  GPIO5
    miso_pin: GPIO19
    mosi_pin: GPIO27

  - source: github://swoboda1337/sx127x-esphome   # Thanks to Jonathan Swoboda

sx127x:               # Documentation
                      # In packet mode the sx127x is used as both a transmitter and receiver in this program

  dio0_pin:           GPIO26
  cs_pin:            GPIO18
  rst_pin:            GPIO23
  pa_pin:             BOOST
  pa_power:           17
  bitsync:            true
  bitrate:            4800
  frequency:          915000000     # 915 MHz in Hz
  modulation:         FSK
  rx_start:           true
  payload_length:     10     # This is the size of the packet
  sync_value:         [0x33, 0x33]
  preamble_size:      2
  preamble_errors:    8
  preamble_polarity: 0x55

        - logger.log: "Receiving a package"
        - lambda: |-                              
            ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Raw Packet Data: %s", format_hex(x).c_str());
            if (x.size() == 10) {                                          // Ensure the packet size is correct
              id(originator_0)  = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[0]);              // Extract Originator and save in Globals Variable 

              // Temp 1 (reconstruct int16_t and divide)
                int16_t received_temp1 = (x[2] << 8) | x[1];              // Combine high and low bytes
                id(temp1_0) = static_cast<float>(received_temp1) / 10.0;  // Divide by 10.0 (float)

              // Temp 2 (reconstruct int16_t and divide)
                int16_t received_temp2 = (x[4] << 8) | x[3];              // Combine high and low bytes
                id(temp2_0) = static_cast<float>(received_temp2) / 10.0;  // Divide by 10.0 (float)

              id(water_level_0) = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[5]);             // Extract Water Temperature and save in Globals Variable 

              id(relay_state_0)  = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[6]);            // Extract Relay boolean and save in Globals Variable 

              id(hours_0)     = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[7]);               // Extract Hours and save in Globals Variable 
              id(minutes_0)   = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[8]);               // Extract Minutes and save in Globals Variable 
              id(seconds_0)   = static_cast<uint8_t>(x[9]);               // Extract Seconds and save in Globals Variable 

              ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Received from %d | Temp1: %.1f°C | Temp2: %.1f°C | Water: %d | Relay: %s | Time: %02d:%02d:%02d",
                  id(originator_0), id(temp1_0), id(temp2_0), id(water_level_0), id(relay_state_0) ? "ON" : "OFF", id(hours_0), id(minutes_0), id(seconds_0));

              ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Raw Packet Data: %s", format_hex(x).c_str());
            } else {
                ESP_LOGW("LoRa", "Received packet with incorrect size (%d bytes)", x.size());

  - platform: template    # Prepare and send packet
    name: "Transmit Packet"
        - sx127x.send_packet:
            data: !lambda |-
              std::vector<uint8_t> data;

              data.push_back(id(originator_1));                                   //x[0] Originator

              // Temp 1 (scaled and cast to int16_t - more range)                 // Outside Temperature
                  int16_t scaled_temp1 = static_cast<int16_t>(id(temp1_1) * 10);  // Scale by 10 for one decimal place
                  data.push_back(scaled_temp1 & 0xFF);                            //x[1] Low byte
                  data.push_back((scaled_temp1 >> 8) & 0xFF);                     //x[2] High byte

              // Temp 2 (similarly for int16_t)                                   // Water Temperature
                  int16_t scaled_temp2 = static_cast<int16_t>(id(temp2_1) * 10);  // Scale by 10 for one decimal place
                data.push_back(scaled_temp2 & 0xFF);                              //x[3] Low byte
                data.push_back((scaled_temp2 >> 8) & 0xFF);                       //x[4] High byte

              data.push_back(id(water_level_1));                                  //x[5] Water Level
              data.push_back(id(relay_state_1) ? 1 : 0);                          //x[6] Relay State (ON)
              data.push_back(id(hours_1));                                        //x[7] Hours
              data.push_back(id(minutes_1));                                      //x[8] Minutes
              data.push_back(id(seconds_1));                                      //x[9] Seconds

              return data;
              ESP_LOGD("LoRa", "Raw Packet Data: %s", format_hex(data).c_str());  

  - platform: ssd1306_i2c
    model: "SSD1306 128x64"
    address: 0x3C
    update_interval: 15s
    lambda: |-
      it.print (0, 0,     id(arimo12),   "01"); 
      it.print (35, 0,    id(arimo12),   "Cabane"); 
      it.print (85, 0,    id(arimo12),   "Station"); 
      it.print (0, 12,    id(arimo12),   "Ext"); 
      it.print (0, 22,    id(arimo12),   "Water"); 
      it.print (0, 32,    id(arimo12),   "Level"); 
      it.print (0, 42,    id(arimo12),   "Pump");
      it.print (0, 52,    id(arimo12),   "Time"); 
      it.printf(36, 12, id(arimo12),     id(RED), "%.1f°C",         id(temp1_0));
      it.printf(36, 22, id(arimo12),     id(GREEN), "%.1f°C",       id(temp2_0));
      it.printf(36, 32, id(arimo12),     id(BLUE), "%d",            id(water_level_0));
      it.printf(36, 42, id(arimo12),     id(YELLOW), "%s",          id(relay_state_0) ? "ON" : "OFF");
      it.printf(36, 52, id(arimo12),     id(CYAN), "%02d:%02d",     id(hours_0), id(minutes_0) );

      it.printf(85, 12, id(arimo12),     id(RED), "%.1f°C",         id(temp1_1));
      it.printf(85, 22, id(arimo12),     id(GREEN), "%.1f°C",       id(temp2_1));
      it.printf(85, 32, id(arimo12),     id(BLUE), "%d",            id(water_level_1));
      it.printf(85, 42, id(arimo12),     id(YELLOW), "%s",          id(relay_state_1) ? "ON" : "OFF");
      it.printf(85, 52, id(arimo12),     id(CYAN), "%02d:%02d",     id(hours_1), id(minutes_1) );

# Create a font to use, add and remove glyphs as needed. 
  - file: 'fonts/Arimo-Regular.ttf'
    id: arimo12
    size: 12
    glyphs: "<>!\"%()+=,-_.:°0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzé"
  - file: 'fonts/Arimo-Regular.ttf'
    id: arimo24
  - id: RED
    red: 100%
    #green: 0%
    #blue: 0%
  - id: GREEN
    #red: 0%
    green: 100%
    #blue: 0%
  - id: BLUE
    #red: 0%
    #green: 0%
    blue: 100%
  - id: WHITE
    red: 100%
    green: 100%
    blue: 100%
  - id: BLACK
    red: 0%
    green: 0%
    blue: 0%  
  - id: CYAN
    #red: 0%
    green: 100%
    blue: 100%
  - id: YELLOW
    red: 100%
    green: 100%
    #blue: 0%
  - id: PINK
    red_int: 225
    green_int: 105
    blue_int: 180 
  - id: color_text
    red: 100%
    #green: 0%
    #blue: 0%
globals:        # Definition of the global variables 

  # Message Data Structure
  # Field     	      Type	  Bytes	 Range	        Notes                                         Description

  # Originator	      uint8_t	  0	    0-255	        0 = Base, 1 = Station 1, 2 = Station 2        Originating Location 
  # Temp 1	          int16_t	  1-2	 -20 to 100	    Signed integer (scaled to 0.1°C)              Outside Temperature
  # Temp 2	          int8_t	  3-4	 -20 to 100	    Signed integer (scaled to 0.1°C)              Water Temperature
  # Water Level	      uint8_t	  5	    1-4	          Single byte                                   Level of water in the tank
  # Relay State	      bool	    6	   0 or 1	        Boolean flag                                  Indicate that the pump is on/off
  # Hours	            uint8_t	  7    0-23 	        Single byte                                   Hours
  # Minutes	          uint8_t	  8	   0-59           Single byte                                   Minutes
  # Seconds	          uint8_t	  9	   0-59           Single byte                                   Seconds

  - id: originator_0      # MSG Data Structure. Originator of the message 0: Cabane; 1: Station Pompage 1; 2: Station Pompage 2 
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: temp1_0           # MSG Data Structure.Outside temperature
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: temp2_0           # MSG Data Structure. Water Temperature in the tank
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "0"

  - id: water_level_0     # MSG Data Structure. Water level in the tank
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "2"

  - id: relay_state_0     # MSG Data Structure. Will be use to trigger the water pump
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "true"

  - id: hours_0           # MSG Data Structure. Hour the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "15"

  - id: minutes_0         # MSG Data Structure. Minute the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "20"

  - id: seconds_0         # MSG Data Structure. Second the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "10"

  - id: originator_1      # MSG Data Structure. Originator of the message 0: Cabane; 1: Station Pompage 1; 2: Station Pompage 2 
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "1"

  - id: temp1_1           # MSG Data Structure.Outside temperature
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "-15.9"

  - id: temp2_1          # MSG Data Structure. Water Temperature in the tank
    type: float
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "32.0"

  - id: water_level_1    # MSG Data Structure. Water level in the tank
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "3"

  - id: relay_state_1    # MSG Data Structure. Will be use to trigger the water pump
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "false"

  - id: hours_1          # MSG Data Structure. Hour the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "55"

  - id: minutes_1        # MSG Data Structure. Minute the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "66"

  - id: seconds_1       # MSG Data Structure. Second the message was send
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: "77"