I use HA at work for many things and want other people in the office to access one switch by url.
Is there a way to limit access to HA though a url and bearer token (or any other way) so they can turn on just one switch. I want to just hand out the url to people so any phone can turn on the switch just by going to that url. I don’t need them to turn off the switch. I don’t want any login or separate app as this will cause too much technical support. My only idea so far is to create another instance of HA with just that switch on it. (I was going to use homekit with just the switch exposed but lots of android phones)
Thanks for any ideas.
Thanks for the idea. I setup dashboard so that I get below. Is it possible to have the switch turn on as soon as someone goes to that url. No buttons, just turns on the switch?
Hmm, I don’t know about that. I don’t use hadashboard so my knowledge is limited. Might want to ask about this in discord or over in #third-party:appdaemon.