Limited zoom out for pictures to be included for AREAS

Just tried to include pictures for my AREAS. However, regardless of how I size the image prior to import, only the same maximum cropped area can be included. It seems that whilst you can mouse wheel zoom in an unlimited amount, there is a limit on the amount you can zoom out. That is, most of the picture I want to include is cropped out ---- the size of the pop-up window ( and hence maximum cropped area) for “ADD A PICTURE” changes size in proportion to the image size. I would hope you could zoom the image to totally fit within the maximum cropped area. Therefore currently no point in my including pictures.

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reduce the number of pixels in your image

That’s exactly what I did. However, as noted the pop-up window then reduces in size so the area covered by maximum crop area remains the same.

I have no idea what you’re talking about… are you not dragging the corners? Are you doing this on mobile?

The area is smaller on desktop, however you simply drag the corners to make it larger and use the mouse scroll to zoom in and out.


I believe you have demonstrated the problem in your video, in that it seems you are not able to include the full limits of the picture. However, for the avoidance of doubt;

  1. I am using a PC
  2. I attach 2 images

The first, LARGE 794h X 728w shows my attempt to include my original picture of the indicated pixel size . Note the overall size of the HA pop-up box. It is not possible to drag the clipping window any larger than shown. It seems to be limited by the width – you cannot independently increase the height of the clipping window once the full width is reached.

Now referring to SMALL 198h x 182w, this includes the same picture content but reduced pixel size. Note that the size of the HA pop-up window proportionately decreases in size and similarly, the height of the clipping window cannot be independently increased once the full width is reached.

Therefore, it seems there is an upper limit on aspect ratio of the imported image, i.e at maximum clipping, it is rectangular thus truncating square pictures.

Consequently, it further seems that to overcome this limitation, before importing a picture, you need to edit “square” pictures to include a black border on the sides to make the imported picture “rectangular”

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It needs to have a specific aspect ratio. You need to change your canvas size to have the correct aspect ratio.

I.e. add transparent areas to your image so that it maintains the aspect ratio that you see on the box.

This is done because that’s all that the card can display.

Before you say “i can’t do that in HA”, Yes you can’t. So use a software that you can. Like GIMP or something like that.

Yes, I agree, which is implied by what I wrote. But I could not find anything in the documentation that indicates there is a limit on aspect ratio. An future update to the documentation ?

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You’re welcome to make that suggestion on the docs.