Load automations from files but also create in the UI

I have a directory with many automation files. I load them using the following:

automation: !include_dir_list automations/

I would like to start writing some automation using the UI, but these go into the automations.yaml file. Is it possible to have both this file and my directory files loaded at the same time?

yes. but you’ll have to set up your configuration.yaml correctly.

I’m not at my config but if I remember correctly it’s like this:

automation yaml: !include_dir_list automations/
automation: !include automations.yaml

the editor will store your automations in the automations.yaml file. And your automations directory will be referenced by “automation yaml:”. You can use anything you want for the “yaml” part but you have to use something (the docs used to use “old” but I can’t find that reference any more) and it has to start with “automation”. So “automation yaml:”, “automation old:”, “automation manual:” should all work.

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