"Loading data" after Core Update

Last days I played around with ESPhome and updated to latest core HA core - but the frontend crashed and I after login i only see the “Loading data” spinner. (login form worked fine). I have an Raspi 4 with HA OS.

Accessing via SSH did not work, the add-on is installed and i always used the built-in ssh client - never my iTerm SSH client. I tried the stuff with the authorized_keys file and a usb stick - always “connection refused”.

The backups are on the SD card I believe. (stupid, i know) - i never had any problems with update and now i have the problem - i cannot switch off/on lights, heater…

What ways do i have to access backups or repair my HA instance?

Take the card out and use a card reader in your pc. You will need Disk Internals Linux Reader (free) if using Windows. Can’t remember exactly where the backups are but there are plenty of topics about it on the forum.

Thanks for your quick response. I am using a Mac