As subject. This is the local picoTTS add-on from the Poeschl Home Assistant Add-ons repository.
There is a warning in HA log:
Logger: homeassistant.loader
First occurred: 22:09:55 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:09:55
You are using a custom integration for picotts_remote which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant.
It’s not causing any problems as such as far as I can tell, but the add-on is just not working. It’s declared in configuration.yaml with:
- platform: picotts_remote
host: 'localhost'
port: 59126
language: 'en-GB'
cache: false
An automation with this action in it does not produce any speech when executed:
- id: '1600122217214'
alias: TTS Pico Test
description: ''
trigger: []
condition: []
- data:
entity_id: media_player.vlc_hdmi
message: Hello there
service: tts.picotts_remote_say
mode: single
The vlc_hdmi media player works, I can play to it from other automations. The only entries in the add-on’s log are:
[22:13:23] INFO: Start PicoTTS webserver
Start server on port 59126...
Execute: pico2wave -w /tmp/tmphpvz7csm.wav -l en-GB "Hello there"
Create audio file '/tmp/tmphpvz7csm.wav' - - [20/Sep/2020 22:13:43] "GET /speak?lang=en-GB&text=Hello+there HTTP/1.1" 200 -
When using the media player card that automatically appears in the Overview for the integration, I do actually get an error:
Cannot call service tts.picotts_remote_say: 'en-GB' not a frame instance.