Local tuya lost connection vlan

Just moved my HA and services over to a new vlan off default lan.
All ok except the local tuya integration. All entities lost connection.
Not sure how to fix it yet. Obviously some isolation permission issue,


Tried tuya local also.

Looks like I’ll need to wait until I have my omada access points set up and with an ssid on vlan 20 same as homeassistant possibly. Can’t get any of these to connect on LAN 1 even though it picks up the ID and Key during set up.

Using the standard cloud based TUYA integration as a workaround.

Hi yonny24,

Segmented networks are not officially supported within HA.

HA is designed and expects a flat subnet to work as intended.

This is because every segmented network is different for IP’s and number of segments and firewalls and sharing rules and about 650495849085 other things.
This does not mean you can’t use them or that they can’t be made to work, it means that to get them working you are the support structure on your own subnet(s).

You need to study all the different discovery protocol and set up repeaters/helpers for these.
Discovery protocols usually use different forms of multicast and they are not rouable.

You can start with studying mDNS, SSDP, ZeroConf and uPNP.

Thanks. For now I’ve moved them back to lan 1.
Until I get a managed switch then it’s not going to work properly