Local Tuya Neon Rope Lights

Yo folks! I found threads asking for this information while I was setting up my rope lights, but never found any solutions, so I wanted to share mine. This assumes a working local tuya setup. Mods: this isn’t a fully fleshed guide, but a quick reference, so if I’m in the wrong place please move this where appropriate.

A scrot is worth a thousand words so, these are the settings I used to get my local tuya ropes working. I can control brightness, color, and switch from color to scene, but I can’t adjust the scene. It will only switch to the last scene that was applied via smart life app. This, however, is more than the tuya cloud integration can do, so it’s a win. Unfortunately, I wanted HA to reverse scene direction so my lights are going up/down stairs with a motion trigger :sunglasses:

Input is appreciated and I’ll keep tweaking my settings in hopes of scene control.