Log error: Platform esphome does not generate unique IDs

I’m getting this error whenever I restart HA:

‘Platform esphome does not generate unique IDs. ID water-usage-sensorsensorwater_pulse_meter already exists - ignoring sensor.water_pulse_meter.’

I’ve tried deleting the node and start over. I can’t find the entity it refers to when I’ve deleted the node. The error returns as soon as I reinstall. So, somewhere there must be a double ID. I have used a different node with the same code before (esp8266 before switching to esp32) but I just can’t get this error gone.

I’m just starting with ESPHome so perhaps its just better to completely remove the Add-on and start from scratch. But, it could just as well happen in two years with a bunch of nodes so I’d rather figure it out now.

Removing the addon will not help as I believe this error is coming from HA not esphome.

Is the error (or is it a warning) causing any other harm? You might just ignore it :slight_smile:

But take a look at the core.config_entries file located inside the .storage folder. There may be some outdated entries in there.

Good to know removing the addon won’t help! I’ll have a look at core.config, hopefully I can find some solution there. In the logs it is registered as an error, but I have no clue if it is actually doing any harm. I do have some problems with this sensor so it might be related. Cleaning errors from the logs is good practice anyway I guess!

The full error look like this btw:

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: helpers/entity_platform.py:540
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 7 februari 2023 om 21:19:50 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 7 februari 2023 om 21:19:50

Platform esphome does not generate unique IDs. ID water-usage-sensorsensorwater_pulse_meter already exists - ignoring sensor.water_pulse_meter