Log errors and nothing is working

Could anyone help translate the logs? I just dont know how to fix these errors.

2024-03-14 09:27:03.773 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Setting up stage 2: {'inkbird', 'conversation', 'device_tracker', 'ibeacon', 'zone', 'image_upload', 'simplisafe', 'automation', 'tts', 'history', 'ipp', 'backup', 'persistent_notification', 'homeassistant_alerts', 'mqtt', 'script', 'upnp', 'diagnostics', 'onboarding', 'input_datetime', 'analytics', 'stt', 'scene', 'thread', 'ble_monitor', 'hardware', 'oralb', 'sun', 'bambu_lab', 'group', 'roomba', 'radio_browser', 'met', 'file_upload', 'system_health', 'config', 'schedule', 'systemmonitor', 'tplink', 'mobile_app', 'media_source', 'wake_word', 'raspberry_pi', 'application_credentials', 'auth', 'input_select', 'tuya', 'logbook', 'tuya_local', 'input_boolean', 'device_automation', 'energy', 'bluetooth_adapters', 'repairs', 'github', 'holiday', 'speedtestdotnet', 'hacs', 'androidtv_remote', 'input_button', 'lovelace', 'dlna_dmr', 'tag', 'zha', 'influxdb', 'scheduler', 'map', 'local_todo', 'ffmpeg', 'trace', 'denonavr', 'search', 'blueprint', 'assist_pipeline', 'local_calendar', 'stream', 'counter', 'matter', 'blink', 'person', 'default_config', 'timer', 'roku', 'input_text', 'alexa_media', 'watchman', 'input_number', 'rpi_power', 'my'}

2024-03-14 09:32:52.469 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to set up dependencies of 'default_config'. Setup failed for dependencies: ['media_source', 'mobile_app']

2024-03-14 09:32:52.469 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for 'default_config': (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: media_source, mobile_app')

You have a problem with both of these:

Any idea how to track down and fix the issue?

What did you change last?

What other errors are in the log?

Is this a HAOS installation?

Yes it is.

Really strange, then.

Did you install custom integrations? The only root cause I can think of would be conflicting requirements.

My wife & I recently got new phones - some of the automations (to send notifications to our phones) listed the old phones’ IDs - I replaced the IDs with the new phones’ info & restarted. So far so good.

Do you think that may have been the issue?

Very likely. It was trying to use the mobile_app and media_source integrations for phones that no longer existed.

Thank you.