Log window no longer available

Hi all,

This morning I updated to version 1.19.4 of the ESPHome plugin in Home Assistant. As of this version, the Log link that appears under each device in the ESPHome dashboard, which normally pops open a status window, no longer works. I was concerned that this was a browser issue because I have several privacy addons, but the problem persists in all browsers, on mobile, and even in the HA app.

I’m fortunate in that the device I just built seems to work as expected, but I prefer to be able to test the functionality in the log window before adding a device to Home Assistant.

Am I the only person experiencing this problem? I’ve searched but I don’t see anyone else reporting it.

Should I just roll back?


I am sure it is a browser cache issue (despite what you say) as a complete refresh fixed it for me.

I’m glad it’s working for you. I have tried a browser refresh (CTRL+F5) but it made no difference.

Browser refresh also wouldn’t explain why it’s not working in the Android HA app either.

Well ctrl-f5 is, it seems, not enough. If chrome, press f12, right click on the reload button and click hard reload.

The android app uses a browser at its heart.

I don’t use Chrome. I have Firefox and Pale Moon on my desktop, and the Home Assistant app on my phone. It does not work in any of those.

Based on your advice, I manually cleared the cache in Firefox, and then disabled all of my Addons. It does not work.

Interestingly, it does work in Firefox on Android, but still not in the Android Home Assistant app.

So it’s working at least in one of your browsers? That’s good. :slight_smile:

The android app can be picky sometimes. You need to clear the cache in the app as well.

What I did was terminating the app (from apps menu on the phone) and directly afterwards did a restart of the phone. If this doesn’t help, reset the app data and restart the phone. :slight_smile: You won’t loose much, it’s only the IP address and your login credentials.

@nickrout and @paddy0174, solved it.

It was as @nickrout said. Turns out Firefox has two caches, one for “site data”, and one for “web content”. Clearing the latter fixed it.

@paddy0174, clearing the app data fixed the app too.

Thank you both for your assistance.


Where did you find how to clear both?

Hi @stevemann, the solution is further up the thread, but here you go.

On desktop Chrome, press F12.

On desktop Firefox, go to Settings > Privacy and Security, scroll down, and click Clear Data. Make sure you select Cached Web Content.

On Android, pull down from the top of the screen to reveal the Settings icon (little gear). Tap that, and then select Apps. Scroll down until you see Home Assistant. Tap that, tap Storage, and then tap Clear Data.

All of these options will require you to log into Home Assistant again, so have your password ready.

Good luck.