This will add thousands of lines to the home-assistant.log file.
It might be nice to be able to log messages to separate files.
So log messages from a specific integration (like zha) to a separate zha.log file.
Should this feature be rejected, or in the meantime until it is implemented, you can (try and) achieve the same result by adding filters in rsyslog.
create a new file in /etc/rsyslog.d/, e.g. called 01-myfilters.conf
specify your filter criteria, and the logfile to put your debug messages.
validate your new configuration to ensure it is valid. rsyslogd -f /etc/rsyslog.conf -N1
restart rsyslog to read in the new configuration. sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
check the rsyslog status if everything is still ok. systemctl status rsyslog
Filter examples:
# 1) Put all zigpy related messages in a separate log.
if $msg contains "zigpy" then -/tmp/logs/zha.log
# 2) Ignore all zipgy debug messages (debug = level 7).
if $msg contains "zigpy" and $syslogseverity >= '7' then { stop }
Put your new logfile in a TMPFS directory to ensure it is stored in memory, to avoid killing your SD / SSD with huge amounts of write statements.
All that extra log data will also be in the systemd-journal. Another option is therefore to not put the debug statements in a file, but query them from the journal using journalctl filtering.
# all messages between two dates:
journalctl --since "2021-03-08 10:00:00" --until "2021-03-08 11:00:00"
# Realtime view of all messages logged by a specific container (e.g. hassio_superivisor):
journalctl -f CONTAINER_NAME=hassio_supervisor
# Specific messages logged by a specific container (e.g. hassio_superivisor):
journalctl CONTAINER_NAME=hassio_supervisor | grep -i "zigpy"
# See all fields in journalctl that you can use to filter:
journalctl -f CONTAINER_NAME=hassio_supervisor --since yesterday -o json-pretty