Logging system not work properly

I noticed that the logging system not work properly. Not sure when this started but a least month ago. If I go any addon Log tab, it just says “Loading log” but nothing happen. I can download log so they are there. If I go in system Log, they work but if select “Show raw logs” then same “Loading log” problem. Any easy fix for this?


Sometimes it is a browser cache problem .
Try to clear the browser cache or even better disable the browser cache completely.

I am having this problem as well.

Reload with cache disabled has no impact on it.

If I let it sit long enough, I eventually get an error like Failed to get supervisor logs, NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource

But I can’t find any logs or configuration for the log viewer, so I’m not sure where it’s even trying to connect to.

Clearing cache did not work. I even tried computer which never has log in HA and it did not work. In ios app the log seems to work normally.

Mine works fine.
What OS and version are you using on the mobile device?