Hi, I’m using HA since 2018 and absolutely love it but I still can’t comprehend the logic begind card arrangement, and the up/down arrows. I thought it had something to do with vertical sorting but so far I just don’t see the logic.
For example, I’m 100% unable to swap these two cards.
Seems simple, but it isn’t, I gave it half an hour and then gave up. The card with the cartoon mole just goes off on its own, traveling all over the dashboard. I don’t want to create an all-custom Lovelace layout because this is more than good enough for me, but the seemingly arbitrary nature of the card placement just rubs me off.
I personally use a 4 vertical stack cards per tab. Within those vertical stacks then use horizontal stacks, if I want more things next to other.
This way, nothing moves anymore.
See the pic, red are vertical stack cards, blue are horizontal stacks inside.
It’s a simple Picture entity (in a Horizontal stack) with a PNG it runs a script that turns on a Samsung TV, sets the input to Kodi, and plays a cartoon playlist I just press this button or tell Alexa to “play cartoons” what I struggle with is random episode playback. Sometimes it plays randomly, other times it starts at the first episode, no idea why.
Nevertheless, it’s a great little helper for placating my 2yo
Also, I’d like to scale it down with some kind of padding, hadn’t been able to do it yet. It’ll probably need card_mod. Or maybe editing the PNG with some transparent pixels.