Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from 192.168.xxx.133

I’m getting this multiple times a day now. This the IP address of the mini-PC that runs Windows 11, with HA running inside a VM using VMWare Workstation Pro 17.

I have Chrome running on the PC with an HA session on it. So I’m guessing its coming from this connection. Doesn’t seem to be an issue, just a bit of a PITA to keep getting the notification.

Any clues, anyone…

What triggers the notification? If it’s the log, maybe you could filter out the messages?

This is what was in the log…

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from 192.168.xxx.133 (192.168.xxx.133). Requested URL: ‘/api/websocket’. (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)

I’m none the wiser!

This is the sort of thing I meant:

I get repeated error messages when my TV is powered off - this in configuration.yaml filters them out:

    # Errors resulting from TV being switched off
      - "Failed to execute an ADB command*"
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