Login issue from internet using HTTPS

I am having an issue today after having changed my iphone.
Today, when i’m not at home, so using the mobile network and getting access to Home Assistant with the internet URL, connexion is not working.
Whereas when connected to my LAN, using http://:8123, I have no problem.

A word about my Home Assistant configuration.
I’m using the Docker Home-Assistant on a Synology NAS.
I configured a dyn DNS service with HTTPS and let’s encrypt SSL certificate : https://.myDS.me

The HA companion iOS show briefly a SSL error, whereas trying to reach the https URL from IOS browser (safari ou Firefox) arrives to the timeout.
On my previous iphone, it was working without any trouble. From the android app it is also working fine and from any computer browser, too.

What can I do to solve this issue ?

Have you forwarded port 443 to 8123 in your router?

Yes, it is done.
the point is that it’s working fine from an old iphone, from android devices, from my PC with the https URL, but with my new iphone, it’s failing in timeout

Is the new phone on a new contract? Or are you trying with the same sim card?

New iphone, same SIM card

I found the solution.
IPv6 was activated at home.
Synology DDNS was routing IPv4 and IPv6.

By deactivating the IPv6 on my internet access, it solved my issue !