I can’t log into my Home Assistant, it is suddenly claiming that the username and password are invalid. I have made no changes to it.
Everything seems to still be running, it’s just that my login no longer works.
Is there anything I can do to recover? I have Samba installed, I am assuming I can connect over the network to check the config files, I’ll check that tomorrow. Is there anything that can be done if so?
If you can get to the configuration.yaml file via the Samba share you could add your network as a trusted network so it wouldn’t require a password. You would need to reboot/restart for it to take effect.
It wasn’t just the app, it happened in a browser on my phone as well. I hadn’t tried it on my desktop computers yet.
Just as oddly as it happened, it is now suddenly working again. As before, with no changes made.
I checked the app again, no luck, and the browser I had used on the phone (Safari), again no luck. Then I tried on Chrome on the phone (I had never logged in using that browser on my phone), and that surprisingly worked. Went back to the app, it wasn’t working; went to the app settings, selected the server, clicked ‘activate’;, and then it loaded. And Safari works now too.
Just to restate, at no time did i ever enter the password or username manually, i used the auto-fill from the password stored on my phone.
I’ll look into adding the trusted network, I believe I had tried that long ago (early in my HA experience), and had an issue where I couldn’t log in at all. What is the ‘/24’ significance?
Edit: I did triy that at one point, but deactivated it. This is the commented out section of my configuration under the ‘homeassistant:’ section:
Ok, this is odd, Safari doesn’t work on the iPhone. Chrome does. Using the same auto-fill credentials.
I’m typing in the ip address of the server in both browsers, not using the homeassistant.local. I even copied the URL from Chrome that was connected to the server, pasted that into the address bar in Safari, and that still is giving me the ‘invalid username or password’
I recommend never using auto-fill passwords in any browser. I’ve seen too many instances where people have trouble because they don’t actually know their password once they start using auto-fill. I recommend using a password manager where you copy/paste it instead. With a password manager you still won’t know your password (other than the master password for the password manager) but you can always look it up from any device that has the password manager app installed (and kept in-sync), or from any browser at any location if it’s cloud based.
It’s stored in my iPhone passwords (that’s what was being used for the auto-fill) so I can look it up any time I want. I do know what it is, I was just using the auto fill as that prevents a typo.
I’m getting the same thing here, has happened since 5th June ish also… I’ve been resetting safari and reinstalling things for weeks and didn’t realise it could be Hass.io related!
App working fine on macOS / iOS but cannot login via Safari. Just get the incorrect username / password prompt. A look at the inspector seems to indicate an invalid_auth error.
Interestingly I get a response from the http.ban component as below (Some info redacted)
2023-07-29 08:21:58.389 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from adsl-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.ISP.com (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX). Requested URL: '/auth/login_flow/85041dc318a7d96352c7f2da4f12dffc'. (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.0 Safari/605.1.15)
Hello. I faced exactly the same issue today on the latest home assistant release (2023.8.3), on my Mac mini using Safari 16.5.2 (Ventura 13.4.1c).
The login & password were filled by Safari auto-fill (no change to the credentials since February this year), I was always getting the “invalid username or password” error message. I also tried filling the credentials with 1Password, same result.
After reading the last message above I manually added a single character to the pre-filled name & password, deleted this character, and voilà! Login proceeded normally.
Posting this message to help anyone facing the same issue, and hopefully helping the home assistant team fix the underlying problem.
I am having a similar problem;
I am just starting Home assistants. I installed it on a Raspberry-pi device with excitement, I created a user and password during installation. After a short time, I could not log in with this user and password. I am very sure of the user and password I gave during the installation. It has not been long enough to forget it anyway.
Then I read the instructions and tried to reset the password of the username that I was sure of with the screen and keyboard I had attached to the Raspberry - pi with the commands: auth reset, but I could not succeed.
Since I didn’t do any installation anyway, I removed the SD card and did the initial installation again.
But the result is the same again. It does not accept my username and password that I just set up again.
My password has 1 uppercase letter, one “!” character, 4 numbers, and a few lowercase letters.
Does anyone have any information about what I am experiencing?
If you had this issue and tried to change password on an existing connection, be sure to click “Update” after changing password. Otherwise, the password won’t actually get updated, and you’d be constantly trying the new password while the server only recognizes the old
I have had a similar issue with Home Assistant Green. The solution was to re-flash and when you create a password, just use numbers and lowercase letters, no capitals.