Hi, in my mind this should be an easy fix. However, I’ve tried all the things that seem pertinent and I’m at a loss here. Hopefully it’s easy and someone can point me to why I can’t figure this out.
I woke up this morning and for some reason my dashboard in Chrome and Microsoft Edge are stuck in Russian. However, my login screen on Firefox and Safari is fine. I’m on a Mac but when check Chrome on my Windows machine, things seem to work fine.
This leads me to believe that there is an issue with the language set in the browser. Not sure why it would change all of a sudden, I went to bed and it was fine. When I go into Chrome → Settings and look at Languages (chrome://settings/languages) , I have one language set and it’s English (United States) as you can see below.
I thought that maybe it was a cookie issue so I went into a Guest/Private Session in Chrome and that didn’t seem to fix it.
Microsoft Edge is set in a similar way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking about restoring from backup but it seems to be another issue. I’m not opposed to doing it though.