Logitech Squeezebox error

I am using HASSIO 0.84.6

I am trying to setup my logitech radio and have the following configuration under “media_player”:

- platform: squeezebox
  port: 9000

I can connect OK from a web browser.

The home-assistant log file shows:

2018-12-25 22:06:49 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player.squeezebox] Failed communicating with LMS: <class 'aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError'>

When I change the port to somthing else I get an expected Connection Error:

2018-12-25 22:20:12 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player.squeezebox] Failed communicating with LMS: <class 'aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError'>

What does the ClientOSError mean? and how do I solve it?

Are you using a password and username? If so those need to be defined.
You can remove the port number that’s the default.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: squeezebox
    host: IP_ADDRESS

No, no username and password used.

I am still having this issue.
Any other suggestions?
What does ClientOSError error mean?

I’ve got the same thing spamming my log. Everything works though. In researching there is a hack to get it to stop but it’s a pain. Not sure why this hasn’t been fixed


is there any Squeezebox loosing connection to the LMS ?
Have a look at the LMS and check if all boxes are connected.

All boxes are connected and playing fine.

I just can’t access from HASS

My error is slightly different. Everything works though…

Failed communicating with LMS: class ‘aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError’

Are you still getting this error? I’ve found this happens if you power off a player.