Long term statistics default configuration


I want to use long term statistics to see if it can replace my current setup which is based on InfluxDB and Grafana.

However I am unable to understand which and how many extensions I have to enable and configure (I was only using influxDB extension until now) if I want to record and display graphs for my sensors.

Is there any guide or a page in home assistant documentation that would describe how to use this feature ?


I dont think that there is any kind of configuration (yet).

Long Term Statistics

“Integrations can now hint Home Assistant about the type of value the sensor represents, allowing us to process and store that data…”

It was 3 months ago in the meantime, I saw an announcement for the global avail of this in all sensors (if there extension is updated) : 2021.9.0: More energy, USB discovery, template ❤️ - Home Assistant

Ok maybe … I misunderstood what it’s possible to do homeassistant …