I just realized that none of my sensors of state_class: measurement are actually included in LTS.
I concluded this by seeing that the data goes back 10 days (no longer), as shown in the History graph card.
I have the following in configuration.yaml:
db_url: "mysql://homeassistant:<PASSWORD>@core-mariadb/homeassistant?charset=utf8mb4"
commit_interval: 10
And this (mong lots of other sensors in this section):
- "/config"
state_class: measurement
And then lots of sensors with “state_class: measurement” as an attribute (confirmed in DEVELOPER | STATES|.
When I go into SYSTEM | ADD-ONs | MariaDB it shows MariaDB as running (v 2.7.1) but no log entries.
I upgraded to 2.7.2 and a bunch of log entries were created for the process of upgrading and it looks like the upgrade was successfull.
Can someone please help me figure out what is going wrong?
Thank you.
EDIT: I found a video tutorial which helped me find the mariadb files and see that there is somestantial size in use. I just don’t know what is being stored (I have no SQL skills).
I installed phpmyadmin and I can see the files and their contents.
I found these sensors.