First my excuse: I currently am not in a position to make use of the new Energy features but it is interesting and my energy supplier does provide an api to get usage data so I have been trying to keep up with the docs and have been at least skim reading most of the forum posts on the subject.
But Iโm slightly confused about the long term statistics
Can they be used with any sensor even if they are not energy related (e.g. temperature)? Some of the docs seem to point to the answer being yes, some is less convincing (to me).
Does this only relate to template sensors or can other platforms be used (e.g. rest).
And finally, how long are these statistics held for, I canโt find anything that tells me this?
I have recently setup InfluxDB but I only really want a few bits of data kept long term so it seems like a sledge hammer to crack a nut and also Iโd like the data inside HA for more simpler graphing etc.