Longer range NFC tags?

Hello all, decided to have some fun with NFC tags and I have to say the setup experience in HA is pretty awesome. Super fast to get to an action.

But I was disappointed with how close I have to get my phone to the tags to get the read.

I have a Pixel 4a at the moment and bought these tags on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07PFC2FH5?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title

These are NFC215 tags, compatible with Amiibo I guess. Now I know what I will use them for…

Meanwhile, I have read that Type 5 tags are the longest range but haven’t found any that are not Type 2 (which these are).

What are you using? How long is the range and for which phone?


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Thought I might reply to my own post with new information. I finally was able to procure a Pixel 6 Pro and discovered that with the RFID tags I have it can activate on them at a much longer distance, like 4 inches or so. Much more useful than with the Pixel 4a radio! I wondered about that but it wasnt so easy to find this arcane spec for NFC power on different phones.

Good luck!