Looking for a monthly cellphone data consumption meter/gauge/chart, utility meter maybe?

Could I use or modify the Utility Meter for that?
Is there another card / integration i could use to get this information i think that using the phone sensor: sensor.person_phone_total_rx_gb would get the right info but according to the documentation it resets at every reboot of the cellphone so i’m guessing that it would be possible to add all the “traffic stats” together to get the total GB transfered (dl) in a given month?

I wouldn’t know how to do all that but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could code it, I could offer my graphic and design skills to help out.

I tried pluging it into a gauge card, but im really not satisfied with the results, too little information and one key info is missing: the cycle start/end date!!!

At would need at least: monthly cycle date & total allowed plus the provider etc…

A modified gauge card could do (here’s a quick mockup):

type: 'custom:gauge'
provider: company name
  - entity: ELE-L04 Total Tx GB
  - entity: ELE-L04 Total Rx GB
months_to_show: 1
refresh_interval: 60
cycle: monthly
start date: 27
min: 0
max: 10
  green: 0
  yellow: 6.5
  red: 8.5
