Looking for advice on alternate Coral Accelerator

The Google Coral USB Accelerator is not supported in Canada by the manufacturer , so no retailer can sell it to customers in Canada. That being said, I’m looking for recommendations that have been working well for people using the M.2 Accelerator B+M key or M.2 Accelerator A+E key on a Raspberry PI4 .

Also, what external USB 3 case are you using on the Raspberry PI4 with either the M.2 Accelerator B+M key or M.2 Accelerator A+E key ?

NVIDIA Jetson Nano looks like a winner.

I need it for Frigate. Coral is only supported…

Sorry. Title was misleading

PCI and I presume M.2 are 2x speed of usb
No one report problem with any of coral

I order pci to a+e adapter for dual tpu coral from Amazon fr. I likely post if it work ok after test it in in main frigate thread.