Is anyone aware of something that looks like a Decora wall switch, but is really just a remote button, and could be stuck somewhere on a wall?
I’ve got a few spots where I’d love to have another wall switch to act like a 3-way or 4-way light, but don’t want to run wiring through those walls. So if I could just stick a remote switch on some wall, and have it toggle a smart switch elsewhere via Home Assistant, that would be awesome.
I know I could accomplish this function by using something like an Aqara Zigbee button, but I’d like to make it totally transparent to users, so they just tap what looks like a regular wall switch.
Leviton has a product that comes close, but appears to use a proprietary comm protocol.
My HA setup here will handle almost any protocol: wifi, Z-Wave, Zigbee, or Bluetooth.
I’ve even considered buying one of those Leviton switches, and see if I can replace its electronics with something like a Zigbee door/window sensor, triggered by the contact closure. But an off-the-shelf product would be nicer.