Looking for solutions for "On Air\Busy\On Call" indicator without mains power \ from battery


For WFH setup I’m looking to install some kind of indicator (light or not) that could show at least 3 states like traffic light basically: on call, busy, free. Or at least busy\free. I’d like for it to be remotely controlled so I can automate it based on Slack\Discord activity for example.

Can be anything: wifi, zigbee, zwave, even bluetooth. The main problem is that I don’t have an easy way to deliver power to around the outside of my door, so it should be battery operated. I’m ok with charging it maybe once a week.

So did anyone know of any device that might fit this? Preferably off the shelf, repurposing something could work too. But DIY solutions could work as well.

Well, turns out Raspberry Pi Zero W with ReSpeaker 2 pHat did not even use 1% of a 10000 mAh power bank over like 16 hours of operating. I already had it lying around, so quickly wrote a python-flask API and frontend for it with a couple buttons on the main page to manually set the required color, and obviously Hass can send REST commands to change status as well. Should be good enough.

How has this been working for you? I am trying to do something creative with some adafruit trellis lights that would show how much time is left in my calendar meeting.

The google calendar-HA integration works well enough for turning on and off lights but I’d be curious to hear your implementation (and if you’ve modified it since posting). Especially if I could get an API for whatever communication service I’m using at my new job.

Well, I ended up with a rather simple setup, pretty much the way I described it, just without Hass at all. A custom python flask app running on Pi and a phone with Kiosk browser that’s always on and next to my monitor. I can just tap and change status light’s colors quickly.

The main issue is power. It works around 30 hours off a powerbank that I ended up using, and recharging it basically every day or two is kinda a bummer. If I could mount it permanently with proper 24\7 power then it would be great.

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Good to know - thanks!