Hello everyone, i have the curtain switch from the photo and I want to flash it with Tasmota, but i dont find anyware how to pair the remote after flash it. Some one of u have flash this type of switch or has idea on how to pair the remote?
Thank you!
no one has this type of switch?
I have this , but just use the smart life app.
I have flashed Tasmota on some other devices, I thought all devices set up wifi the same way
See https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Getting-Started/ >initial-configuration> Using Web UI >Configure Wi-Fi
What do you see the advantage of flashing tasmota ? Have you done it ? Experience any issues?
i have flashed one loratap but without remote control, with tasmota is much faster,you dont have to connect to the tuya cloud, i have one with remote and i dont want to lose the remote option that way i am asking here!
Sorry, I misunderstood; I didn’t even realise that a remote control was available for these devices.
Looking on the web, l can’t find anyone reporting an easy OTA flash and had to resort to physical connections
Did you use tuya-covert successfully ?
tuya convert only to the non remote one…work perfect
There is a new SC400W v2 version with Realtek chipset… I bought today sc500w, I hope there is stiil only ESP version.
can You please describe in detail how did you flashed non RF with tuya-convert? I suppose, there are two boards and they are soldered together, right? Because I did not succeeded with it and had to take a hard way (soldering).
I managed to convert SC411WSC-EU RF with serial connection. But I managed to damage some wiring on PCB. I was probably able to repair the wiring, because the switch is still working.
Now to RF issue. I believe that device must be flashed with tasmota-sensors.bin or custom compiled firmware binary.
I chose the tasmota-sensors.bin and right now I’ll try to figure out which GPIO is connected to RF module.
But, there is always a chance that I break the RF while I was desoldering both boards.
I can confirm, that RF is working even with standart tasmota.bin firmware. RF connection si probably not managed by ESP chip but with its own chip. You have to pair RF by pressing pairing buton (pause/middle in my case) on the switch and when blue LED is blinking just push any button on remote and you are done.
I realise this is like 1 year on. @Hy3n4 could you indicate how the LoraTap SC411WSC-EU RF Remote Curtain Switch is held in its box? I’m not sure how to separate the housing (do I need to?)
Also could you indicate where you soldered the seriel.USB wires? Any explanation is welcome here, including how you actually flashed them. Cheers,
Hi, @kingstonlewis,
it is holding on five pins which are visible when cover is removed.
These five pins needs to be desoldered, very, VERY carefully. I found out that PCB is very fragile and you can easily break paths when they are overheated. I’ve already broke three of them by not being patient enough.
After you take down upper PCB you can easily reach TYWE3S soldered on the other side.
Wiring is described on Tasmota website: TYWE3S - Tasmota
But I had to solder EN pin among the others. You will also need to reset controller by its RST pin, so it is wise to have one spare wire from GND to do that.
You can see the wiring I did on thermostat with same MCU.
If you need more info, let me know.
One more important thing. Version of this switch must be V2. If you got V3 (probably Aliexpress) you are toasted because it has different MCU that cannot be Tasmotised yet. in that case you can replace MCU with ESP12F, but I failed to do that because I don’t have reflow station and of course I managed to damage some of the pins on PCB.
And now, when I read your post completely. I am using tasmotizer on macOS to flash these switches as it is easiest possible way. Of course you always do this using pure esptool way.
Since I don’t know what OS you are using I cannot describe it in detail.
Well, I’ll give this reply another edit. Yesterday I implemented another switch with my memories refreshed. There is an extra step has to be done. You have to disable onboard MCU which is located near those five pins you desoldered. Fortunately NRST pin is located on the other side of mainboard (i’ve edited the first picture), so you don’t have to solder cables directly on 4th pin of the MCU. NRST has to be connected to the ground before TYWE3S powers up.
Good Luck.
Hope it helps.
i have one question. i have the same smart for curtaion motor, and i was trying to wire it to my alarm system. but i am not able to find the 2 points on the board that make the contact for opening or closing the curtain. do you guys know which point contacts on the board i can use to over ride the soft touch buttons? As i can see it seems they work on some kind of static electricity contact. its not open close regular button when u connect 2 dots.