Lose connection to 8123 not to 3218

Hello I have installed hass.io
yesterday everything was ok then i tried to setup duckdns. Couldn’t get through so I started from scratch with a brand new installation. Now I lose access to Hass.io :8123 but not to Configurator :3218
Right now if I put in the browser my ip :3218 I can access the configurator but if I click my ip :8123 safari return the error that can’t open that page.
all help is really appreciated

I have put as comments those 3 lines

base_url: https://myduckdomain.duckdns.org:8123

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem

ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

force a hass restart and nothing happened
then remove cable battery and reboot. I finally was able to access :8123 but a few minutes later then :3218

try the base_url without the https://. meaning just my myduckdomain.duckdns.org:8123 and see if that makes a difference. I dont ever have https:// listed in my bsse_url.

Apparently it works only if I restart the pi removing the cable every time I change something in the configuration.yaml

Just restarted and here is the situation

can’t access
can access
I can ping
hassio appears on my devices under the router cable

are you getting any errors in the logs?

I can’t access the logs at the moment

no way to get it working. No access to the system but I can ping it
could it be an error in the configuration.yaml file?