Lost connection (duck dns as well as local) after network reset

Hi all,

After resetting Wifi I lost connection to both forwarded DuckDNS Home Assistant as the local version.
I can see my Home Assistant device which is directly connected to the router but instead of a general IP adres it looks like this;


So I don’t know how to connect to this adres.
Before it was something like “”
And I could browse to “” to sign in.
Unfortunately that doesn’t work right now.
Any idea what to do?

Already tried to factory reset the router but IP adres is still similar to the first long string of numbers.

This is IPV6
How are you seeing the IPV6 address? Try appending -4 or /4 to get the IPV4 address.

The reset of the router may have changed your external IP address. If so, it may take a while for DuckDNS to get the new address.

Thanks for your reaction!
Learning something new, didn’t know that is was IPV6.
Can you describe more specific how I can manage to get the IPV4 address?

How did you get the IPV6 address?

If you don’t have it, install the free Advanced IP Address tool.

In the past my modem/router used to sometimes reset and change from to When this happens, all connected devices get new IP addresses, which wreaks havoc. So you might want to first check the device you’re on has an IP address starting with the expected range (192.168.178.*). If it has changed, you should be able to reset it back in the router’s settings.

However, it’s probably more likely that the IP address of HA has changed, if you have not fixed it to Are you able to use “http://homeassistant.local:8123” instead of the IP address? If so, “Settings > System > Network” will show you the IP address at the bottom of the page.

To find your IPv4 address on Windows, either:

  • In “type here to search”, enter “network settings” (which might show up as ethernet settings if you have a network cable attached). Then you will see it under “status > properties”.
  • Or; In a command line window, type “ipconfig”.

In both cases, this is the IP address of the machine you’re on, not the router (which is undoubtedly *.1) or the HA machine. If you can log onto the HA machine, it will depend on how you’ve got it set up. For example, if you’re using HAOS, you would type “network info”. If you’re using some form of Linux, you could type “ip a” or “ifconfig”.

If you have not set up a static IP address for HA, you can do so under “Settings > System > Network” (or in your router’s settings but this varies per manufacturer).

Still can’t seem to find Home Assistants IP adress.
Home Assistant is listed in ‘connected devices’ on my router where it only states the IPV6 address.
But both by scanning with “Fling” and “LanScan” Home assistant isn’t showing at all.
I’ve got no clue what to do. Might reinstall the Pi and then when that works upload a backup?

I’ll repeat…
How did you determine the IPV6 address?

Did you install the AdvancedIP tool as I recommended above?

Got the IPV6 from logging in to the Router admin panel.
Couldn’t try AdvancedIP yet, as I don’t have any Windows machine myself (got macbook) but I’ll try in a minute on other windows laptop!

I’ve never owned a Mac product, but I gather that it is frustrating to see so many useful applications written only for the PC or Linux world?

I am sure that there is an IP scanner that will run on a mac, but Advanced IP scanner is the gold standard.

What is Home Assistant installed on? Can you connect a screen and keyboard to it? Can you see the UI? Have you installed the “SSH and Web Terminal” add-on? From there you can type “ifconfig” and see the IP assignments.

AdvancedIP didn’t find Home Assistant either.

I absolutely agree that both windows and linux are the way to go for development etc. But I’m more in the graphic scene and trying to learn a bit about automation. That’s why I don’t have that much experience and knowledge.

But I’ve got a Raspberry Pi 4

And, my other three questions?