Lovelace: Button card

You sir, are a genius !

So, Iā€™m tearing my little remaining hair out.
A button-card template thatā€™s been working fine suddenly stopped working after, I think perhaps, upgrading the HassIO OS to 3.13, and having added browser_mod. Its like the javascript engine went bonkers. (Browser_mod is not involved in this view, or !include file and another button-card template works fine). Before I roll it all back and see, maybe yā€™all have some insights that Iā€™m missing.

Calling like this (trying with and without the triggers_update and even before upgrading button-card to 3.3x):

              - type: custom:button-card
                triggers_update: all
                template: hourly_weather_button
                entity: sensor.outdoor_icon_1h

And a shortened template snippet:

  icon: >
      switch(entity.state) {
        case 'clear-night':
          return 'mdi:weather-night';
other cases:...
          return 'mdi:icalendar-question';

The error returned is that the entity object is not defined. If I remove the quotes from the mdi returns (like normal), the error raised is that of an unexpected ā€˜:ā€™ Maybe its me.

This template is about 300 lines of mostly javascript that makes a generic hourly dark-sky weather forecast ā€œbutton.ā€ Iā€™s been working fine for months, till now.
Thoughts? I can post more codeā€¦
OK, this also produces an ā€˜entityā€™ not defined as if the entity object is not available:

      - height: 60%
      - color: >
           if ( states[entity].state == 'clear-day' ) {
             return "orange";
           else {
             return "grey";

Your second template is wrong, entity is an object not an entity_id string.

Your first template looks good. Donā€™t remove the quotes. First place I would look is in your dev tools states page and verify that your sensor still exists.

Whoa, started to reply, then looked at states. The whole lot of the darksky sensors have gone missing. Holy #@*%! (Iā€™d been playing with [ā€¦] to try to get it working. Sorry, my bad example.

This worked great, thanks!

Now I just need to figure out what causes the color_rgb attribute to disappear from the bulb sometimes.

It depends on your integration that is generating the light. Usually itā€™s not available while off, or might take some time to appear after being on.

Firewall / certificate issue. I couldnā€™t hit the darksky api. Thanks for pointing me to states.

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Could you post your config for the fan ?

Why dont the first header card follow the height when the second header does?
How can I get the first header to adjust the height?

First header:

color: 'rgb(44, 109, 214, 0.6)'
color_type: label-card
    - height: 10px
type: 'custom:button-card'

Second header:

  - color: 'rgb(44, 109, 214, 0.6)'
    color_type: label-card
    name: INGƅNG / GROVKƖK
        - height: 20px
    type: 'custom:button-card'
  - color: 'rgb(44, 109, 214, 0.6)'
    color_type: label-card
    name: KƖK
        - height: 20px
    type: 'custom:button-card'
type: horizontal-stack


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Thanks for sharing this !

However, i always get a complete fill circle drawn, no matter the brightness:

Copypasted your code, but modified the style a bit:

      - top: 5px
      - right: 5px
      - width: 35px
      - position: absolute
      - letter-spacing: 0.03vw
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Try with - height: 10px !important

Hereā€™s a cool little something you can do with custom:button-card, picture-elements card, and the lovelace-gen custom_component. Thanks @thomasloven for lovelace-gen.

Javascript macros, and, the ability to place button-cards at x-y % locations on the screen. It made my floorplan setup manageable.

Here is an extract of the the fans-specific macro and usage.

# Fans                        x%,    y%, widthpx, heightpx, border,  background
{{ fan_button('switch.fan1',  21.6, 57.8,   41,     41,    'solid', 'silver') }}
{{ fan_button('switch.fan2',  47.4, 22.4,   60,     60,    'none',  'transparent') }}
{{ fan_button('switch.fan3',  37.8, 39.0,   33,     33,    'none',  'white') }}

and the code:

# lovelace_gen
id: floor_plan
title: Floor Plan
panel: true
  - type: picture-elements
    image: !file /local/images/FloorPlan.svg
      {% macro fan_button(entity, x, y, width, height, border, background) -%}
      - entity: {{entity}}
        type: custom:button-card
        style: { left: {{x}}%, top: {{y}}% }
        show_name: false
        show_label: false
        show_entity_picture: true
            - width:            {{ width }}px
            - height:           {{ height }}px
            - background-color: {{ background }}
            - border-style:     {{ border }}
            - border-width: 1.2px
            - color: 'black'
          - value: 'on'
            spin: true
            entity_picture: /local/images/FanRed.png
          - value: 'off'
            entity_picture: /local/images/FanBlack.png
            spin: false
      {%- endmacro %}

I have the same issue as you, and I have not been able to solve it.

I tried !important,
I tried using card-mod

Nothing, seems to help. Something is happening to the scale the height of the card. And the longer you will make the top row (i.e. add more buttons), the higher the header will grown.

@RomRider Can you share ā€œheader_icon_endā€ or ā€œheader_icon_middleā€ template? Curious how you are doing the alignments? Thank you!!

@Zkaning BTW custom:vertical-stack-in-card as RomRider showed above looks promising since that appears to retain its height. But Iā€™m still playing with it to get the right effect. Iā€™ll share when I find a solution

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Then itā€™s probably the padding of the card. Try with padding: 0px

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Haha, padding: 0px WORKS!!!


So my last remaining issue is how to position 2+ button cards within vertical-stack-in-card. Say i want a title at the left (thats easy) and icon on the far right (that i cant seem to solve). I can force the title button card width to push the icon button to the far right. But iā€™m hoping there is more of pragmatic way of doing it

I copied the code direct from the GH link and my circles correctly draw based on the brightness.

maybe try on a test button stack first? i see your style changes (same as what i use) are for 4 button horizontal stack vs the original code which is suited for 3 buttons

Yeah, this is on a test button. Even on a 3 wide stack it doesnā€™t render a circle in chrome, firefox and android. Mmmm

sent you a PM :+1:

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Thanks for the tip but did not help. Can it be a bug?